
Thorough Title Services in Littlefield, TX!

When you need thorough title services in Littlefield, TX, Rowe Abstract & Title Company. will provide you with the expertise you’re looking for. We’ve been in business for over four decades, serving Littlefield, TX, and clients throughout Lamb County. We handle everything from residential to commercial title and abstract services. Get in touch with us today.

Residential & Commercial Abstract Title

If you want to sell residential or commercial real estate, we’ve got you covered. We’ll help you with everything from title insurance to abstracts of title to drafting closing documents. Receive the full history of the commercial or residential property you want to buy. Phone us to inquire about our abstract and title services.

Agriculture, Farming, and Ranching

Do you have an agricultural, farming, or ranching property to buy or sell? We’ll help you learn more about the agricultural real estate you want to buy. With expertise in abstract and title services, Rowe Abstract & Title Company. in Littlefield, TX, will get you the proper title insurance and abstracts of title you need to verify the property.

Feel confident in your purchase of farming and ranching real estate. Get a free estimate today.

Property & I.R.S. Section 1031 Exchanges

Section 1031 exchanges allow for the swapping of properties held for business or investment purposes. Businesses or owners can put off federal taxes on some real estate exchanges. If you need real estate assistance with I.R.S section 1031 exchanges, we’ve got you covered. Learn more about section 1031 exchanges today.

Residential & Commercial Abstract Title

If you want to sell residential or commercial real estate, we’ve got you covered. We’ll help you with everything from title insurance to abstracts of title to drafting closing documents. Receive the full history of the commercial or residential property you want to buy. Phone us to inquire about our abstract and title services.

Agriculture, Farming, and Ranching

Do you have an agricultural, farming, or ranching property to buy or sell? We’ll help you learn more about the agricultural real estate you want to buy. With expertise in abstract and title services, Rowe Abstract & Title Company. in Littlefield, TX, will get you the proper title insurance and abstracts of title you need to verify the property.

Feel confident in your purchase of farming and ranching real estate. Get a free estimate today.

Property & I.R.S. Section 1031 Exchanges

Section 1031 exchanges allow for the swapping of properties held for business or investment purposes. Businesses or owners can put off federal taxes on some real estate exchanges. If you need real estate assistance with I.R.S section 1031 exchanges, we’ve got you covered. Learn more about section 1031 exchanges today.


Residential | Commercial | Agriculture | Farming | Ranching | I.R.S. Section 1031 Exchanges | Property Exchange Transactions

The Five Basic Steps at Closing

With just five basic steps at closing, we’ll ensure you close on your property securely and efficiently. The five basic steps include:

Most real estate transactions follow these five steps. If you have questions about each step of the process, we’re happy to give you further information. Get in touch with us today.

Schedule Your Free Estimate for Title & Closing!

Rowe Abstract & Title Company specializes in the buying and selling of real estate. We provide our title services in Littlefield, TX, and beyond. From agriculture and ranching to property exchange transactions, you can rely on our services. Schedule your free estimate for title and closing on your real estate today.(806) 385-4220

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